How to transfer photos from Android to PC

Time: 18/Sep By: kenglenn 761 Views

Often you need to use photos on PC that are stored on the Android smartphone.The most obvious thing consists in connecting the mobile device with the computer via USB cable then choose Transfer photos (PTP) or File/Android Auto transfer.

The difference is that in the first case you can directly access the folders containing the photos (from Windows just open the window this PC then click twice on the name of the smartphone characterized by the icon of a digital camera), in the second you will have visibility on everythingThe content of the memory of the smartphone.It will therefore be necessary to double -click on DCIM, pictures and similar folders.

Transfer photos from Android to PC with cloud services

The most obvious approach to transfer photos from the Android smartphone to the PC is to use a cloud service such as Google Photo, OneDrive or Dropbox.

In our guide on Google Photo we saw how to activate the backup of your photos on the cloud.

Both in the case of Google photos and other services such as OneDrive and Dropbox you have to check in what circumstances the backup of photos and videos is made.

By default, in fact, the automatic backup does not take place when the smartphone was connected to the data network of mobile telephony operator while it is activated when the device enters within the coverage of a well -known WiFi network.

If you have the need to access a photo stored on smartphones, the device should be connected to the WiFi network or you should momentarily activate the backup also on the mobile network (compatibly with the "giga" residues on your tariff plan) or still requestThe backup manually.

Backup on the completed cloud, just connect from PC with the Google Photo, Dropbox or OneDrive home page to find the photos ready to be used.

Installando le app Google Foto, OneDrive o Dropbox sul proprio dispositivo mobile le foto presenti in galleria saranno automaticamente caricate sui server cloud. Dal browser web installato su PC sarà immediato utilizzarle: basterà selezionarle quindi cliccare sul pulsante Scarica.

The important thing is not to click with the right button on the image then select Save image with name because in this case the compressed version of the photo will be downloaded that will be saved on PC in low quality.

Come trasferire foto da Android a PC

Given that the photos will immediately become accessible on PCs from web browser, however, you can install the clients of the various cloud services on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Use the app your Windows 10 or Windows 11 phone

Windows 10 or Windows 11 users can use the app your phone that also allows you to access the photos stored on smartphones.

To start it, just type your phone in the Windows search box, click start and follow the instructions.In fact, the complement app of your phone must be installed on the Android smartphone then framed the QR code shown on the PC screen.Alternatively, you can select "Log in manually" then type the 9 -digit PIN code shown on the PC screen on the smartphone screen on the smartphone screen.

By clicking on a photo then on the Save with name it is possible to store the image that is kept on the smartphone locally.

Use WhatsApp Web and the web versions of other messaging clients

Lighting with WhatsApp Web or Telegram Web to your PC Desktop or notebook account you can send the photos you want to use.

Both in the case of WhatsApp and Telegram the images can be sent to themselves by the Android mobile device.In the case of WhatsApp you can use a simple trick to send messages to yourself, in the case of Telegram you can access the main menu of the app (at the top left) then select saved messages.

Both with WhatsApp and Telegram you have to touch the staple icon then choose document or file (Telegram then show the Galleria item, to send images without compression).

At this point you can access the Android device file system and select the images to be transferred to PC.

By selecting document or WhatsApp and Telegram file (as well as any other messaging app) they will transfer the photos to the original format without applying any compression.

Starting the browser on PC then taking the or on the web.telegram.Org can instantly access the photos copied from the smartphone.

Transfer photos from Android PC automatically with Photosync

If you were a little "allergic to the cloud", Photosync is perhaps the application for you.

Downloadable from the Photosync Play Store allows you to automatically transfer photos to Windows and MacOS systems but also on NAS and in general on any shared folder on the local network using SMB, Webdav and (S) FTP protocols.

To use Photosync, just select from the gallery the photos you want to transfer then send to the PC or on the shared folder indicated.The images with the blue edge have not yet been transferred.

The basic functionality of Photosync are free but to use for example data transfer via SMB and Webdav or activate the automatic transfer of photos to the WiFi detection it is necessary to purchase the complete version of the application or the appropriate add-on.

Instead, the transfer of photos after installation on PC of a complementary app is free.

An alternative app is called photo transfer app but in this case to transfer the photos to the highest quality and move more than 10 at a time it is necessary to buy a license.

Transfer photos from smartphone to pc with airdroid without registration

The well -known AIRDROID APP helps to transfer photos and videos between Android and PC devices by leaning on the cloud.

As we saw in the guide on Android, it is still possible to transfer photos between Android and PC even without leaning on the cloud and without registration.

The important thing is that both the PC and the Android device, as in the case of Photosync, are connected to the same local network.

After installing Airdroid on the Android device you will have to start the app and touch skip at the top right.After granting the authorization to access the files stored on the smartphone you will have to select Airdroid Web then type the local IP address in the browser bar on PC Desktop or notebook (in the example the URL to be used is http: // 8888).

By authorizing the connection to the mobile device on the PC, with a simple click on the Photos icon, you can access the photo gallery and save individual images or entire archives locally.

By default the data transfer takes place in clear (note the presence of the AURS HTTP :) within the local network.

If you want to enable the use of the HTTPS protocol (in this way the data will travel in ciphered form) just touch the icon in the AIRDROID app, select Settings then activate the HTTPS connection option.

Because the modification has effect, therefore, you will have to close and reopen AIRDROID.

By touching Airdroid Web you will notice that the local address will be reported as URL https (example: https: // 8890).

Then change both the protocol used (https instead of http in order to codify data in transit) and the communication door (8890).

Any browser will show the alert message "The connection is not private": this is completely normal because you are connecting with an HTTPS server (running on the smartphone) that does not expose any digital certificate.To continue, just click on Advanced then on the link below.