Iliad Plan change: how to do in June 2021

Time: 19/Dec By: kenglenn 736 Views

Offers in evidence

Giga 80
7.99 €/mese
con SOStariffe.IT
Flash 150
9.99 €/mese
con SOStariffe.IT

Since ITs debut on the Italian market Iliad has not loaned the possibilITy for ITs users to change active promotion.What is always cITed as a posITive feature of the operator's policies in this case has proved negative, ITs motto forever, for really preventing customers from obtaining a upgrade of promotions when the operator launches a new more convenient offer than the previous one.

Over the years nothing has changed from this point of view and even in June 2021 Iliad customers do not have the opportunITy to request a direct modification of the tariff plan.In 2018, the year of Iliad launch in the country, the manager seems almost willing to introduce a direct change procedure of the tariff through the customer area, but everything soon resolved in nothing done.On the other hand, IT was the same fate as the app, in great demand by users but never introduced by the French manager.

However, there may be alternative methods to obtain a change of package anyway and let's see how a new promotion can be activated despITe already being Iliad customers.First, however, let's analyze the new proposals of June of the operator to understand why IT is convenient to take a step this month.

The best Iliad offers

In the Iliad catalog, some decidedly important changes took place, the historic 50 gig promotion has been eliminated and the 70 giga package per month is also.Only the voice proposal has remained unchanged of the offers, this is a rate designed for over 60 years or for those who need a SIM to call and receive SMS but not to browse online.

The ITem promotion has a monthly cost of 4.99 euros (to which are added the first month 9.99 euros as a sim contribution) and includes:

If there are data, you can continue surfing at a cost of 0.90 euros per 100 mega.

Discover Iliad voice "

The promotion of 80 giga

The old 50 giga offer to 7.99 euros has given way to a new plan.The 7.99 euro fee for the month of June will guarantee you:

Iliad cambio piano: come fare a Giugno 2021

In each offer, this manager allows customers to have free services, these are tools such as the answering machine and visual secretariat, the control of the residual credIT, but the options also call me on the employed phone or not reachable.

Iliad blocks special numbers and surcharge services, you can reactivate them at any time by making 177 or logging in wITh your online credentials.The Giga included in the promotions are also available for sharing via hotspot wITh other devices.All always wIThout extra costs for the customer.

Activate Giga 80 "

How to move on to the Iliad flash offer

If you want a Bundle data that allows you to use your cell phone very intensely but also the PC and not to risk ending the Giga in a short time you can try wITh the flash promotion.The latest arrival at Iliad Casa is an offer that offers you a very large amount of Giga (120 Giga) for less than 10 euros per month.

It is one of the best price quantITies solutions, if you want to make a comparison between the Iliad flash condITions wITh other promotions you can use Sosteriffe comparator.IT.This tool will analyze the managers' mobile telephony proposals and indicate the most advantageous plans to you. Le analisi effettuate con questo algorITmo sono gratuITe e non ti impegnano all’acquisto di alcuna tariffa.If you want to do a test you can click on the button below.

Compare the best mobile offers »

Annunci Google

Returning to our promotion of the month of Iliad, here's what Flash offers new users:

All these services and data traffic will cost you 9.99 euros per month (to which are added for the first month another 9.99 euros for activation and the SIM).

Find out how you can switch to Flash 120 "

Iliad Plan change, here's how to do it

If you already have an active Iliad rate on your phone you cannot make a rate passage, but just have a little inventiveness and there is a solution to buy one of the most advantageous promotions of the month. Se hai una seconda scheda puoi passare quella sim ad Iliad e richiedere la portabilITà del tuo numero, un sistema pratico e veloce per fare la modifica.Just deactivate the other sim iliad and you will have solved.

Don't you have other numbers to use?No problem, do a double manager change. Scegli una delle offerte che non ti impone obblighi di permanenza minima e che abbia magari costi di attivazione gratuITa.Request to be able to keep your old phone number and then once the operator gearbox can be made, you can repeat the procedure, this time moving on to the Iliad offer you prefer.

Può sembra un po’ macchinoso ma non potrai effettuare semplicemente un’attivazione con portabilITà del numero verso una nuova sim Iliad.The manager's system does not allow you.With this two -phase maneuver you will get the result you want.

What is needed to switch to Iliad

Le operazioni di attivazione di una nuova promozione in portabilITà ti ruberanno pochi minuti e avrai bisogno solo della tua carta di identITà, del codice fiscale e del seriale della tua sim (l’ICCID, codice di 19 cifra riportato sulla scheda).

The purchase of your new Iliad plan can take place directly online or at the manager's corners or stores. In ogni caso le istruzioni da seguire prevedono che tu inserisca i dati personali, poi seleziona l’opzione portabilITà o vai avanti. Se hai deciso di portare con te il tuo precedente numero di telefono dovrai inserirlo nell’apposITo riquadro, indicare se il piano attivo sulla sim è un ricaricabile o un abbonamento e digITare il seriale.

A questo punto dovrai fornire i dati per il metodo di pagamento, se sei in uno Store o presso un Corner (così come se stai svolgendo l’attivazione online) dovrai pagare con carte (di credITo o di debITo).To buy your cash Iliad in cash you will have to contact the agents affiliated with the Iliad Express project, these are supermarket chains, electronic shops and bookstores that have made an agreement with the manager and who sell his cards.You will find the SIMs in the Iliad Express at the speakers.

Per poter attivare la tua nuova sim dovrai effettuare il login online con le credenziali che ti saranno state fornITe in fase di registrazione. Per poter completare le operazioni ricordati che devi registrare il video per il riconoscimento dell’identITà (per rispettare la normativa antiriciclaggio). L’unico caso in cui potrai evITare questo passaggio è se richiedi la consegna via corriere e consegni all’addetto una copia del tuo documento di identITà.

Customer service

Il gestore francese pur non avendo una sua app ti offre tutte le funzionalITà di questi strumenti con il profilo online.The credentials you will enter at the end of the activation serve you as a key to access to the account that allows you to manage every aspect of the selected promotion in full autonomy.You can recharge your SIM, check the consumption and the counters will indicate how many minutes or Giga you have available.

With the account you can also manage the services, you can change the associated cards as a payment method or check the renewal date of the plan. Dal profilo online avrai anche la possibilITà di passare dai rinnovi manuali a quelli automatici in qualunque momento e con un clic.

Se vuoi maggiori informazioni sulle offerte Iliad o vuoi verificare se sono disponibili nuovi aggiornamenti a proposITo del tema Iliad cambio pianopuoi contattareil servizio clienti dell’operatore e richiedere il supporto di un consulente.The channels of the Service Center pass through the generic number 177, the operators will answer you from 8 to 22 from Monday to Friday and from 9 to 20 on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Molte informazioni potresti comunque trovarle nella sezione FAQ del sITo Iliad, in questo spazio infatti sono presenti numerose guide e le istruzioni per configurare le tue nuove offerte sul tuo smartphone qualora il sistema automatico non funzionasse.

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