On iTunes they disappear films in the catalog, Apple refuses reimbursements - HDBlog.it

Time: 20/Nov By: kenglenn 704 Views

On iTunes the films (purchased) disappear.This is the complaint of several users who are contacting Apple in recent days asking for explanations on the somewhat "curious" fact.Of course, it is curious since the films that disappeared from the accounts had been regularly bought - and not rented.

This has generated an understandable discontent among the users themselves, who felt answered by Apple that "iTunes/App Store is a showcase site that offers the content provider a platform on which to sell their articles".That is to say: "It is not Apple's fault if the films you bought have disappeared".Therefore the legal liability would not fall on Apple (which effectively defines itself as a sort of "intermediary" that provides a virtual shop but not the products directly), but on distributors who have decided to eliminate the films from their catalog.

In short, if a distributor takes away his own content from iTunes, Apple does not consider himself responsible, refusing among other things to repay those who asked for the money back.

Su iTunes spariscono film a catalogo, Apple rifiuta i rimborsi - HDblog.it

"Your purchases do not meet the conditions for a refund", a Canadian user has been heard from the iTunes support team.Among the cases promptly shared on social networks, there is just one in which an Apple employee proposes to an amazed user a small credit to rent two films.Will it be enough to appease his anger (and repay it economically) considering that three films have disappeared from the account?