The ability to subscribe to Telegram to remove banner ads is coming soon. Recently the announcement of the arrival of advertising on the popular smartphone application was not liked by many users. The app production company has therefore decided to remedy this with a further announcement, which explains that a subscription to the platform will allow you to remove advertising from the app.
Pavel Durov announces news coming to Telegram
The announcement came directly from the founder, CEO Pavel Durov, who made several announcements through the platform's official Russian channel, also talking about the launch of a subscription service. By subscribing to a paid subscription, it will therefore be possible to remove advertising.
Obviously users who do not want to take advantage of this option will not be forced to bear any costs. Anyone who agrees to view some advertisements within the mobile application will not have to pay anything.
More details about the subscription service
The Telegram CEO explained that this possibility should arrive as early as November and then reiterated in any case that this optional subscription will not cost much.
However, a precise price has not been announced. Anyone who decides to activate the optional paid subscription will therefore support the development of the app and will allow the removal of advertisements.
Durov also explained that those who own a large Telegram channel will also be able to turn off all advertisements for channel users. We don't know any further details yet, but we are sure that soon Telegram will provide more information on the prices of these optional options and on the features that can be used with the Telegram subscription.
However, it will be a very useful way to support the development of the service, which has recently achieved great success, even reaching over a billion downloads of the app.
I am passionate about everything related to the world of technology. With a particular preference for Apple, however I am also interested in the Android universe in all its aspects. I inform myself daily on specialized sites in the sector to find out the latest news in the technology sector, also in relation to smartphones and video games.