Podcast podcast Biden, Putin, dragons and the discreet charm of the landline the Network

Time: 04/Jun By: kenglenn 831 Views

Biden and Putin also used the "fix" and it is likely that it is not for aesthetic reasons that, for official phone calls, from desk to desk, the Heads of State or Government prefer the phone: White that of Mario Draghi and, at the other end of the line, white that of Xi Jinping.

Whatever the reason, it is assured the same vintage effect that the Pope, devoted and faithful to the smartphone, gets with the white ecclesiastical robe and the skulk. Less demanding, the landline is the endangered object that restores a tradition with solid roots, and in the touch demodé reveals a specificity and a life that certainly, at the age of 44, cannot have Emmanuel Macron. The French President, in fact, fiddled on two iPhones and a Samsung, communicates via signal and Telegram, and in 2019 was also intercepted by Pegasus, the same electronic espionage system that the Hungarian Victor Orbán and the Turkish Erdogan use to keep under control the phones of dissidents and hostile journalists from all over the world. Pegasus has therefore replaced the bug and could be rigged, a false bug, a pat or, better, a double bug to neutralize the real bug inserted in the phone of the spy phone, waiting for the poison or night arrests in style kGB. In the end, while not knowing how much safer it is, the landline, the definitive disappearance of which is scheduled to disappear in Britain in 2025, held by Biden and Putin symbolizes the denial of instability, the mockery of the "there is no field" has dropped the line, the desire to secure the intimacy of the conversation always threatened by contacts, notifications, texts, Trojans and malware.

In the insolence of grasping the phone with a natural gesture, would Roland Barthes say, Â a cultural system of meanings that remixes the world, there is nostalgia, how to write with a fountain pen or letter 22, how to wear the Borsalino di Delon and Belmondo, how to travel around Rome in a carriage or send postcards. They are objects out of place and out of place as, at the beginning, it was already the same landline, around 1880, when the untimely ringtones (again today so much criticized in the laptop) were despised because they transformed the gentleman into a servant who runs as soon as he hears the mysterious bell.

Podcast Podcast Biden, Putin, Draghi e il fascino discreto del telefono fisso Il Network

So only the servants were qualified to answer. And if the ladies were not advised, the phone was absolutely forbidden to good young daughters. The most refined replaced the triviale ringtone with a tuning tuning or, as Marcel Proust wanted, with the simple rustling of a barely amplified undergarment. And to everyone it was recommended at least to hide Úlőrile apparatuses at the end of a corridor, in a stairway or, at worst, in the kitchen, in any case in a corner, in the mercy of the twilight where, 140 years later, the extremely excited modernity can not drive it back, Pasolinian firefly that resists extinguishing.