That's why 2022 will be the year of the Samsung Low Cost

Time: 14/Jun By: kenglenn 797 Views

It is not very good in Samsung, who according to a recent report of the analysts of Counterpoint bothers a lot in the semiconductor market, despite the millions spent to improve the division that produces cloves for smartphones with the aim of being the first producer to the first manufacturer toworld.

The moment, in some respects, is not the simplest, so you have to keep tight what you are waiting for better times.And to relaunch, because - Samsung has done so in these years, so he knows it well - it is with the quality that customers are conquered and consequently the market.Thus, according to an indiscretion, the company wants to try a commendable way, namely to equip all the smartphones of the Galaxy A line of OIS, the optical stabilization of the images taken from the cameras.The Galaxy A line is the one with which the Seoul company challenges competition in the average market segment, therefore bringing optical stabilization wherever it would be a nice element of differentiation compared to others.

What is optical stabilization for

Optical stabilization is a mechanism that compensates for the micro movements of the hand stabilizing the goal and, therefore, the image.It is very useful when you try to take a photo with little light, when the exposure times are stretched and you need to keep the smartphone as detention as possible to not get a moved photo, or when you record some videos in motion, than with optical stabilizationThey are much more "still", therefore of quality.

Ecco perché il 2022 sarà l'anno dei Samsung low cost

Of course, the mechanism behind optical stabilization has a cost, so if the OIS is standard on all the top of the range the more you look at the products that cost lower figures the more rare.Samsung's move, if it were confirmed by the facts, would be very ambitious: the company would invest in the quality, however in a field - that of photography - to which users look a lot and where instead the competition, on the middle band, often chooses toSave (and to offer more economic smartphones) folding on electronic stabilization.

On the middle band it is rare, but Samsung has already moved

Electronic stabilization, abbreviated to the technical cards in EIS, gives its contribution during the registration of the videos and most of the time it provides acceptable results, although not comparable to optical stabilization, but nothing can instead be on shots in the dark or at night, when there isThe only one still of salvation to avoid photos move is OIS.

It will be necessary to understand what Samsung's "political" choice will be, that is, possibly how much and whether to pay the user a product of the Galaxy line to due to optical stabilization. On this they could depend on the success of this bet and beyond, above allBecause on the middle band the competition is very close and often the success of a product is decided in 50 euros, or not.

Samsung, however, would be decided, and in part it has already been: the recent Galaxy A22 (pictured) already integrates the optical stabilizer, and the move is significant because the smartphone starts, from the list, from 229 euros to Spain: a band in whichFinding OIS is literally impossible.