The Serenamente Mamma app promotes psychophysical well-being during pregnancy

Time: 29/Dec By: kenglenn 663 Views

Serenemente Mamma is an application that aims to promote the psychophysical well-being of future mothers and welcome all the emotions that pregnancy arouses in them through a path offered free of charge.

The app offers mindfulness meditation and positive psychology exercises to improve emotional state management and promote greater confidence in personal abilities.

The How Are You? allows you to keep track of your emotional state, thoughts and daily events to gain greater awareness of your inner world.

My journey is the heart of the app which offers three exercises every week designed to increase confidence in one's abilities, regulate negative emotions and cultivate positive ones, in order to achieve a state of psychophysical well-being.

The Serenely Mom app promotes well-being psychophysical well-being during pregnancy

The My progress section provides an overview of the various activities that are part of the course, while the Resources section contains the audio and video content relating to the exercises that can be used unlimitedly.

The Serenamente Mamma app offers a free path

Serenamente Mamma offers a free path and wants to contribute to the progress of research by collecting data on the effectiveness of the app for promoting well-being in pregnancy.

For this reason it is necessary to participate in the research simply by using the application and filling out three short questionnaires: when the app is first started, after three weeks of use and at the end of the five-week journey, at the end of which the The application will remain available to the user forever.

The Serenely Mom app is available for Android for free and asks for permissions to access your app and device history, phone, device ID and call data, Wi-Fi connection information, photos, media and files.

Below you will find the badge to track the application in the Google Play Store. Android 5.0 or later is sufficient for installation.

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