Vodafone first in Italy for quality, download and latency speed |Studio - HDBLOG.it

Time: 22/Jan By: kenglenn 770 Views

Vodafone is the best Italian telephone operator regarding download speed, quality and latency.This is what emerges from the last report published by Protection, data company that can count on a base of over 300 million smartphones worldwide all over the world.The result only confirms what is expressed by the study published by Altroconsumo relating to the year 2020.Among other things, the first data concerning Q1 2021 are already available: in this case they are provided by Opensignal, and highlight a substantial confirmation of Vodafone for best operator as regards the use of video content, gaming, voice app andAvailability of 4G.

NOTA: i dati sono stati raccolti tra febbraio e aprile 2021 in Italia e sono basati su 45,6 miliardi di misurazioni della qualità di rete. Di questi, 5,15 milioni sono speed test.

79.5% of Vodafone customers defined the quality of the network made available to them by the telephone operator during the playing of streaming videos in Full HD, in the gaming sessions and during high definition video calls.Tim, Iliad and Windtre are not far away, with 76.98%, 76.33% and 76.02% respectively.We go over 90% of satisfaction if the analysis of the use of SD content or access to social networks is widening: also in this case Vodafone is the best, hell with Iliad and, following, by Tim and Windtre.


Vodafone prima in Italia per qualità, velocità di download e latenza | Studio - HDblog.it

The calculation is made on the median speed of download and upload: Vodafone is first with 23.54Mbps, Windtre second with 22.11Mbps, TIM third with 21.91Mbps and Iliad closes in fourth place with 19.85Mbps.TIM climbs Vodafone as regards the median speed of the uploads with 11.88Mbps: the red operator is however almost paired with 11.86Mbps.Windtre and Iliad are more detached with 10.47 and 7.18Mbps respectively.


The discussion does not change even for the third parameter taken into consideration after quality and speed: latency.The one -way one median of Vodafone stops at 18ms, while the other operators go beyond the 20ms threshold: 21.5 TIM, 21.7 Windtre, 26.3 Iliad.

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