What is Samsung Pay works?

Time: 16/Aug By: kenglenn 807 Views

What is Samsung Pay works?|Easy.IT 02 55 55 11102 55 55 111 Lun-Sab 9.00-21.00


Technology does ITs part in making many daily operations easier and quick and the electronic payments sector is no exception.Contactless cards are increasingly widespread and the possibilITy of paying for their smartphone also takes hold.

The functioning of Samsung Pay is based on this idea, which we are going to see in more detail.

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Samsung Pay is an innovative payment system that allows you to make purchases simply by bringing the phone closer to the terminal, wIThout necessarily having the card wITh IT because IT is no longer necessary to show IT or insert IT in the POS.

To use Samsung Pay, simply install the application on your smartphone and follow the instructions to record your payment, credIT, debt or prepaid cards.TOt the time of purchase, the customer chooses the card he wants to use, identifies himself on his phone, brings IT closer to the terminal and you're done.

The data are protected by the Samsung Knox securITy platform, integrated into the smartphone, and never appear, in any transaction or on the device.Furthermore, of course, to activate the payment, you need to identify yourself, and IT can be done via PIN but also through a fingerprint or wITh the scan of the iris.The application also allows you to record the loyalty cards of the partner shops of Samsung Pay to take advantage of coupons and promotions at the time of payment.

You can use Samsung Pay if the transaction terminal admITs NFC or MST technology.It works wITh Visa and Mastercard cards emITted by the banks that adhere to the system (Intesa Sanpaolo, UnicredIT, Bnl and Hello Bank!, Banca Mediolanum, Chebanca!, Nexi and Banks Partners) and using compatible Samsung devices, not only smartphones but also Galaxy Watch, Gear S3, Gear Sport.In this case, the payment will be launched from the smartwatch on which the Samsung Pay application was installed.By rotating the ring to select the payment card and clicking on pay, just bring the clock closer to the terminal to complete the purchase.

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