Which Samsung smartphones will receive Android 12

Time: 20/Oct By: kenglenn 769 Views

Samsung is now the Android manufacturer that updates the most, across the board: from the top of the range to the low-end models. This is so evident that we do not think there is any need to insist further. And with the development of Android 12 proceeding as expected, one wonders which models of the Korean manufacturer will receive the new version of the green robot in due course.

The answer is actually already quite obvious, based on the commitments made by Samsung over the last few months, therefore we believe that all the following models will be updated to Android 12, approximately within the times indicated (which could easily vary, being purely indicative).

Which Samsung smartphones will receive Android 12

* Android 12 will be the first major upgrade** Android 12 will be the second major upgrade*** Android 12 will be the third major upgrade

We reiterate that this is not an official list, and that therefore times and models indicated may differ. It goes without saying that devices that have not received Android 11 will not have Android 12 either. As for the Galaxy A 2019 series, this was not included by Samsung in the press release regarding the new 3-year update policy, and moreover the models of that series have already received 2 major updates, as expected.

However, there are still several months left for the release of Android 12, tentatively scheduled for August / September 2021, so there will be plenty of time to return to the topic.