Windtre, New 2022: Subscription Vas Services

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Windtre, New 2022: Subscription Vas Services

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WindTre quale colosso della telefonia mobile, comunica importanti novITà, con l'avvento del nuovo anno. Scopriamo come poterne approfITtare.
Posted byLaura Scarpellini5 Gennaio 2022windtre

Windtre of mobile network wITh effect from 1 January 2022, announces that the possibilITy of activating and using subscription VAS services is no longer usable.Let's try to understand a lITtle more.

Vas services by Windtre

Since last November, the novelty had been communicated wITh an update of the dedicated information, which we are going to visIT the "Windtre Informa" page, at the official Windtre websITe.

It is good to go and remember that the VAS services had been blocked on all the new Windtre SIMs already starting from the date of 18 October 2020.It should be noted that all the mobile ticketing and parking services, those of Carrier Billing and those related to bank SMS, SMS for televoting, SMS for charITy on numbering 455 or for donations in favor of polITical parties would have been the exception..

At a second half of the customers in place of Windtre who had activated a SIM before October 18, 2020, the blockade had been communicated in December 2020 at the beginning.The date of implementation, however, had been set to January 18, 2021.Later wITh the start of the block, Windtre had changed the information by specifying that everything would be further slipped, waITing for an AGCOM provision.

Here is the date of the Service Block in the Windtre surcharge

On February 5, 2021, through the publication of resolution 10/21/Cons, the blockage arrives.At this point, Windtre adapts and the date of entry into force of the blocking of surcharge services is established on March 21, 2021.

A few days before the barring activation, Windtre decides to postpone the block again, going to update the information.The new date is that of April 18, 2021.In fact, since then the block was then actually applied.

Let's find out the changes starting from January 2022

DespITe the Vas services were already blocked both for the new and already customers, Windtre allowed to request the release or de-Barring for free.The customer still had the option to choose whether to take advantage of IT or not.

WITh the advent of 2022, the subscription Vas services can no longer be activated or used.Therefore also those who have requested the release previously, wITh effect from 1 January 2022, will no longer be able to use IT.

Windtre opens the doors to next Christmas, a lITtle in advance.The telephony manager has developed really interesting promotions for ITs customers.Let's discover the different types and the newariffe.Among the promo the most interesting ones concern Il5g included and the proposals reserved for young people.

Even those who intend to buy a new smartphone will find wITh Windtre some excellent promo.In addITion, wITh the Easy Pay formula IT will be possible to charge the cost of your tariff plan, directly on credIT card or current account.

Di Più Full 5G Christmas EdITion

The offer developed by Windtre in view of Christmas has a cost of € 14.99 per month.Activation costs € 6.99 wITh a 24 -month constraint.For the new SIM you will have to pay € 10.The offer includes:

Promo per under 18: junior Crew Christmas EdITion

The offer developed by Wind Tre on the occasion of the next Christmas holidays provides:

The offer has a cost of € 9.99 per month.The expenses for the new SIM are € 10.

Promozione di WindTre da mettere sotto l’albero: Smart Pack 5G Christmast EdITion

La nuova promozione fruibile nel mese di dicembre 2021, ha un costo pari a € 14,99 per month.The activation will be free if the offer is signed in the store, and remains active for at least 24 months.The new SIM will instead have a cost of € 10.To this promotion IT is possible to add 3 SIMs wITh Family. Anche gli altri membri della famiglia potranno entrare in WinTre a € 9,99 per month.

Windtre, New 2022: Subscription Vas Services

In addITion, the following phones can be associated wITh a installment payment that will be zero for some models: Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 5G (zero), Oppo A54 5G (zero), TCL 20R 5G (zero), Samsung Galaxy A03S (zero),Live Y72 5G (1 euro per month), Xiaomi 11 LITe 5G ne (6 euros per month).

Passes to Windtre in November seems to be a really good idea.For example, new users will also be able to take advantage of the Windtre Reload Plus Smartphone Promotion.

What is the Reload Plus smartphone in Windtre

The tempting promo allows Windtre customers to activate IT at the time of purchase of the smartphone in installments wITh the telephone operator.This is possible only by means of physical stores, and the temporal window ranging from the 13th to the 29th month.

However, you can change your mind, replacing the mobile phone wITh one of the models available in the price list.All always wIThout seeing the addITion of further costs, both keeping the value of the same installment, and increasing IT.Windtre allows you to exercise the right to change smartphones only in the event that you are in compliance wITh payments, and that the device is working, and intact in all ITs parts.This promotion is mainly aimed at customers who wish to change their smartphone every year, using IT always models to the last cry.

Reload Plus, will be available from 7 November 2021.

Based on the list price of the new device chosen by the customer, Windtre may request the payment of an advance, while larata of the month in which the replacement will take place will still be borne by the user.

Passes to Windtre wITh the start of Autumn.The telephony manager put his hand again on his list of operator attack type offers.The month of October 2021 opens wITh a whole series of promotions that can be activated directly online.We find inserted in the list of the Windtre family, the new offers of the most range where IT is possible to include up to 100 giga in 5G.

Also in this specific case Windtre makes available to ITs customers, differentiated promotions for bundles and prices.The difference this time will be the operator of origin of those who want to join the new offers.You can have access to the promotions of the current month, visITing the online digITal platform, of the telephony and communication giant.The commercial proposals have long been made known thanks to advertising campaigns on the web.Let's see in detail what new customers who require portabilITy can expect, and those who instead need the activation of a new number.

How to get to know the cheapest offer of Windtre

Customers who intend to sign a subscription wITh Windtre by taking advantage of the advantageous existing rates, will have to visIT the official platform of the telephone giant.On the main page IT is necessary to posITion yourself on the digITal offers of Windtre.Once this is done, click on the "Select your operator" key.At this point you will access a drop -down menu, wITh the list of operators of origin from which you can request the portabilITy of the number thanks to the operator attack offers.This is made possible for all options included in Windtre Go, subscribable online.

At the moment going to select your operator of origin, you will have access to the display of a showcase of 2 or 3 offers to choose from.The offers available online are currently aligned wITh those operators attackers also subscribed to the Windtre adhering retailers.

New offers of the most coming in October

If we have to select as operators of Tim origin, very mobile and I have.Mobile, Vodafone, you currently have the option to be able to activate the new Windtre offers directly online.These are a series of promotional packages, which bear the name: more full 5g and more full 5g easy pay.Let's find out in detail the bundles and expected costs:

A good start of autumn for Windtre that makes available to ITs new customers, advantageous tariffs and promo.All unmissable.

Wind for the month of September 2021 has developed several tariff plans for ITs customers.There will be time to be able to take advantage of IT until September 19th.Let's see in detail what are the packages available, and their individual advantages.

September 2021 promotions for Wind

In September we will find several promotions developed by Wind.Until next September 19, the telephone operator will keep the offers active:

All the offers formulated by Wind will be available both in the format wITh residual credIT debIT and in the Easy Pay automatic paid mode.

Offerte Wind disponibili fino al prossimo 19 settembre per SwITch to Windtre

Here is well detailed below, the offers passed to Windreche the operator makes available to ITs customers until next September 19:

The activation costs for all offers are € 6.99 in the event of a residual credIT debIT.Easy Pay offers cost € 6.99, but only in case of stay in Windtre for at least 24 months.In the different case, an addITional € 43 euros will be charged, for early wIThdrawal.A promo on Super Internet Casa Easy Pay is always active, offered for the Fwa Fixed Network.

August 2021 also opens for Windtre wITh unmissable offers.This time some former Windtre customers will also be affected by the promo. Infatti questi saranno contattati via SMS per attivare l’offerta winback WindTre GO 50 Fire Plus LimITed EdITion a € 6,99 per month.Free activation and SIM cost.

We also remember the Windtre proposal for some of his former GO 100 Star Plus customers for € 7.99 per month.All those who receive the SMS in question at the participating points of sale, will be able to join the offer by 10 August 2021.

Bundle and costs of the Windtre offer

Windre Go 50 Fire Plus includes them every month:


Windtre sees the application of a surcharge of € 0.29 cents for each message sent, when all the SMS included in the offer are exhausted.

If all data traffic is consumed, to continue navigation you will have to take a cost of € 0.99 cents per 1 gig of internet traffic, to be exploITed by 23:59 of the same day.

In addITion, Conwindre Go 50 Fire Plus Le, you can activate SMS Return receipt service, wITh a cost of € 0, 29 cents for each notification event.

SwITch to Windtre.More and more often you are targeted by a range of offers by the various managers of mobile telephony.Let's find out which advantageous offers proposes Windtre, for the month of April.In recent months, Wind then merged wITh three also at the brand level, creating a new operator of mobile telephony, now able to now satisfy the needs of ITs users.

Le offerte SwITch to Windtre normalmente consistono in piani tariffari molto convenienti, dalla durata limITata.Those called passes to Wind (now Windtre) allow the transITion from another manager such as TIM, Vodafone, Iliad or Kena to Windtre while maintaining ITs telephone number.

Switch to Wind: how do you adhere to the tariff plans?

Per aderire alle promozioni vantaggiose SwITch to Windtre del mese di Aprile che WindTre riserva a chi vuole cambiare gestore basta inserire i propri dati completi di numero telefonico ovviamente, nell’ultima voce verrà richiesto se si intende attivare una nuova SIM o mantenere la propria ossia cambiare in WindTre senza dover cambiare numero telefonico.

Passing to Windtre offers advantageous promo in April.Let's find out the offers:

Wind All Inclusive 50 Fire: la promo ha un costo pari a € 4,99 per month, e costo di attivazione di € 4,99 euro.We must add € 15 to charge on any residual credIT, in the case of a stay of less than 24 months.It offers unlimITed calls in Italy, the offer is reserved for customers from PosteMobile Fastweb, and virtual operators:

Wind All Inclusive 50 Flash: IT is the new promotion for new Wind customers from Iliad and other operators including Fastweb Mobile, Poste Mobile, and CoopVoce.The offer can also be activated online has a cost of € 6.99 per month, wITh a residual credIT debIT.The promo includes:

Wind All Inclusive Special 50: IT is the offer made available is available for new Windtre customers who pass to Windtre from Kena Mobile, Tim, I have.Mobile and Vodafone.It provides for an activation cost of € 9.99, wITh a residual credIT debIT which becomes € 15 in the event of deactivation of the new Windreii first 24 months expected.

Wind All Inclusive Special 100 Easy Pay is the promotion that Ainuovi is addressed customers who come from Lycamobile.There is a monthly expendITure of € 9.99 euros.WITh this promotion, payment is provided only by current account, credIT card, prepaid account cards in Easy Pay mode.The offer includes:

SwITch to Windtre, tra le proposte di Aprile troviamo:

Wind All DigITal:

It consists of a Wind offer that can be activated for everyone which at a cost of € 14.99 per month ha l’attivazione gratis con la spedizione della SIM presso proprio domicilio.The contract has no constraints and proposes the electronic secretarial services, hotspots, SMS Mywind, to know who calls.The SIM has a cost of € 10 wITh an addITional 200SMS option per month to € 0.99.Also contains:

All Inclusive Easy Pay

It is an offer aimed at all users, available only in the shop wITh sim cost 10 € at a cost of € 16.99 per month consisting of:

All Inclusive Young Easy Pay: IT is an offer reserved exclusively for under 30 at a cost of € 11.99 per month, the activation of this offer is online for the non -Easy Pay version, i.e. wITh payment on residual credIT.It's composed by:

All Inclusive Senior Easy Pay: is a promotion reserved for over 60, the promo that offers the possibilITy to ask for a smartphone for € 0 euros. Costo € 9,99 per month.Free activation and cost Sim 10 €.This promo offers:

All Inclusive Junior LimITed EdITion: IT is a promo aimed at the minors of 14 years.Windtre offers at the price of € 6.99 wITh the activation cost, 10 euros the price of the new SIM.The offer includes:

Wind Family: costo € 7,99 per month con costo di attivazione di 4,99 euro.Offered to maintain at least 24 months includes:

Wind Kids: This promo is dedicated to the lITtle ones and includes a smartwatch included at 0 euros per month wITh an advance of 79.90 euros.In addITion, a dedicated app.Fee of 5 € per month.Comprehends:

Call Your Country Super Easy Pay: The cost of this promo is € 9.99 and includes:

Windtre rates under consumption

Wind Basic is the second stake which includes MyWind SMS service included and:

Wind Easy is the promo that includes 20 cent response and pricing in early shots of 60 seconds e:

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